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Former Graduate Students:

Yoav Shereshevski (2002): Blind Signal Separation of Heavy-Tailed Sources
(joint supervision with Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron)
(magna cum laude)


Yuval Lomnitz (2003): Efficient Blind Source Separation Using a Semi-Maximum Likelihood Approach
(summa cum laude)


Eran Doron (2004): Asymptotically Optimal Blind Separation of Parametric Gaussian Sources
(magna cum laude)


Alexander Smekhov (2004): Asymptotically Optimized Blind Source Separation Based on Second and Fourth Order Statistics
(summa cum laude)


Avia Yachil (2004): Blind Deconvolution Based on the Generalized Characteristic Function


Sharon Eilon (2004): Blind Source Separation Based on the Fractional Fourier Transform


Alon Shechter (2004): Expansion of Characteristic-function Based Blind Source Separation for Time-Varying Mixtures
(magna cum laude)


Daniel Moscovitch (2005): Blind Separation of Static Mixtures of Non-Stationary Sources


Eran Eidinger (2005): Blind MIMO System Identification via the Second Characteristic Function
(magna cum laude)


Boaz Lachover (2005): Blind Separation of Discrete Sources in a Noisy Environment
(magna cum laude)


Alon Harel (2005): Multi Feature Speech / Music Discriminator (MSc Project)
(joint supervision with Prof. David Burshtein)


Yuri Schwartzman (2005): Blind Separation of Noisy Pure-Delays Mixtures of Gaussian Sources


Assaf Hasarchi (2005): Real-Time Analysis of Audio Features with a PC-hosted Digital Signal Processor (MSc Project)
(joint supervision with Mr. Jacob Fainguelernt)


Evgeny Spektor (2006): System Identification Methods (MSc project)


Yuval Domb (2006): Bootstrap Kalman Filter: A Hybrid Scheme for Bilinear State-Space Models


Efrat Be'ery (2006): Blind Separation of Image Reflections with Relative Spatial Shifts
(magna cum laude)


Rotem Kopel (2006): Parameters Estimation in a FIR System Driven by Gaussian-Mixture Inputs


Tzahi Weisman (2008): Blind Source Separation with Periodically Changing Mixture Coefficients


Yaron Shmueli (2008): Performance Evaluation of Video Tone Mapping (MSc project)


Moshe Teplitsky (2009): TDOA Estimation for Cyclostationary Sources – New Bounds and Estimators


Ity Erlich (2009): TDOA Estimation in the Presence of Multipath.


Alexandra Dana (2009): A Computational Method for Monitoring the Development of Cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema (PED) Using Heart Sound Analysis
(joint supervision with Prof. Nathan Intrator, School of Computer Science, TAU)



Yinon Battat (2012): Automatic Speakers Classification Based on Short Time Observations (MSc project) 


Anna Cohen (Putter) (2012): Recovery of Sparse Probability Distributions from their Moments Using Compressed Sensing and Neighborly Polytopes


Alon Slapak (2014): Charm and Charrelation: Parameterized Generalizations of the Mean Vector and Covariance Matrix Incorporating Higher-Order Statistics (Ph.D.)


Amir Weiss (2015): Nonlinear Discrete-Time Filtering for Equalization of Nonlinear Memoryless Continuous-Time Channels
(joint supervision with Prof. Mark Shtaif, School of Electrical Engineering, TAU)


Mor Cohen (2015): Detecting Common Lines in Cryo-EM Images Using Maximum Likelihood
(joint supervision with Prof. Yoel Shkolnisky, School of Mathematical Science, TAU)


Elad Bergman (2015): Biomedical Imaging and Profiling with Mobile Single-Sided NMR (Ph.D.)
(joint supervision with Dr. Uri Nevo, Faculty of Engineering, TAU)


Ofir Lindenbaum (2018): Learning from Multiple Views using Diffusion Maps (Ph.D.)
(joint supervision with Prof. Amir Averbuch, Faculty of Exact Sciences, TAU)


Amir Weiss (2020): The Gaussian Maximum Likelihood Approach for Independent Component and Vector Analysis (Ph.D.)


Matan Karo (2022): Speech Anti-Spoofing Using Channel-Based Probability Mass Function Estimates
(joint supervision with Dr. Itshak Lapidoth of Afeka College of Engineering)


Matan Navon (2022): A Maximum Likelihood Approach for the Semi Blind Separation of Spatially-Correlated Cyclostationary Gaussian Sources


Shlomit Haim (2023): Detection of Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease Patients using a Waist-worn Acceleration Sensor
(joint supervision with Prof. Jeff Hausdorff of the Tel-Aviv Souraski Medical Center)




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Room 141, Electrical Engineering - Labs building


Tel: (+972)-3-6405314

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